What did I miss?

Hey everyone.

Did you miss me? It’s been a while (December? Yikes!), but I’m glad to be back. Thought I would offer up a quick update and plans for the future going forward.

First of all, I finished my classes! I’m now a Certified Vet Assistant and my office has been taking full advantage of that. I’ve been trying to shift back into “civilian life” after months of double dipping into both school and work. It was a heavy time, but I managed to get through it! This is good for two reasons: 1) I no longer regularly work/go to class from 8 to 8 three times a week with full schedule on the other days. This will be a massive improvement to my social/sleep schedule as I’ll be able to actually do things beyond work or school work.
2) I’ll be able to get back into my writing!

I’m stretching some old muscles and blow off the dust from a few old projects. I’m starting to feel my creative impulses return and I’m feeling better about the things I create. My day job is one I can easily leave at the office, so I’m going to be able to put more of my time and energy back into creative projects. What does that mean? I’m not sure yet. But the absolute base means that I’ll be trying to get to posting Writing Scribbles!

I’m glad to be back and I’ve had a good long rest to recover from school, but now it’s time to get back to what I want out of life. The exact definition of that is yet to be known, but I’m looking forward to the ride.

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