The Work Space

Some of you may have heard that I moved recently, but it occurs to me that I never told you about my new writing space. I have a bedroom with an actual door (which is a big upgrade) and I moved my kitchen table into the bedroom to try and make it a proper desk. The thing I love best about my new space is the window that lets me look out and see the big tree that’s starting to show it’s leaves now.

The biggest difference from my old workspace is that I have a little egg-timer at my desk now. I used to time myself on my phone, but it was a little awkward and my anxiety brain kept checking it and interrupting my writing. The new set up lets me check frequently and provides a regular drone for me to write to. I do my best scene blocking to music, but I’m finding I need quiet as I write.

When I’m not at my desk, I bring my laptop to work and tend to write on my lunch breaks. We have a few conference rooms and it’s rare that they’re all in use, so I can close myself off for an hour and get some writing done over a sandwich. When they are all used? I just eat and work at my desk.

It’s very important to me that I have a special place to get my writing done. The secret for me is that there’s a little splash of green. Whether that’s a real tree outside or a plastic ficus inside? I’ve had to be flexible.

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