If you’re any kind of bookworm, you probably have a TBR Pile: The To Be Read Pile. The endless waterfall of books that you are going to read soon. Maybe it’s a list on your phone. Maybe it’s a section of your bookshelf. Maybe it’s a literal pile on your nightstand, looming overhead until you finally read a few to reduce the risk of the tower toppling over and smothering you in the night. Maybe your TBR Pile is all of your bookshelves.

You can probably guess which one is mine.

I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump these last couple of weeks, but I’m hoping to get back into the swing of reading regularly again. So, in the spirit of that, I decided that this time I’m gonna be posting some of my current TBR Pile to maybe keep me accountable to finally reading some of them! So, here’s a sampling of my current TBR Pile that I’m hoping to work through in the future.

  1. The Way of Kings – Brandon Sanders
  2. The Sword of Shannara – Terry Brooks
  3. The Lies of Locke Lamora – Scott Lynch
  4. Catch-22 – Joseph Heller
  5. What the Dog Saw – Malcolm Gladwell
  6. The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet – David Mitchell
  7. A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir of Lady Trent – Marie Brennan
  8. Darwin’s Radio – Greg Bear
  9. The Aeronaut’s Winglass – Jim Butcher
  10. Armada – Ernest Cline

Alright, hopefully that’ll be some motivation for me to actually read through some of these! I’ve put a moratorium on buy new books until I get through some of my current ones, but I also work at a library, so getting my hands on those materials would be less challenging than it used to be (I’ve got my eye on Kaiju Preservation Society by Scalzi, but I’m holding off for right now).

What books are on your TBR Pile? Do you have a real pile near your bed or is your pile somewhere else?

One thought on “The TBR

  1. The Way Of Kings was a good one, even though it’s a long book, and it started off in lacklustre fashion for me. I’m glad I stuck to it though. Am looking forward to what you think about it!

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