Every reader dreams of having a big, extravagant library: tall oak shelves, high-backed chairs, a crackling fireplace, and an impenetrable wall of books! But, some of us have…simpler budgets.
Whether you’re living in the library of your dreams or a small apartment, having a special reading nook is a great addition to any space. I’ve been slowly working to convert my balcony into a reading nook (though I will certainly have to reassess these plans when it starts to snow). I find that very few of my neighbors are out on their balconies with any regularity, so I enjoy going out there with my dinner for the evening and enjoying some time away from the perpetual screens that I find myself glued to all day. When I can catch it, I’ll go out and watch a nice thunderstorm rumble from the protected alcove. And, of course, when the weather is clear and there’s a nice breeze, there is nothing that quite compares with going outside with a good book.
The ambient sounds are good background for whatever I happen to be reading and it’s a nice mostly private space for me to relax with a book. I’ll go out with a cup of tea and a light snack to enjoy the cool mornings or evenings and unwind a bit before or after a long day. And on my days off, the balcony becomes a nice little outdoor reading nook.
A good reading nook should have adequate light, a comfortable seat, a nice temperature, and–naturally–something to read. It can be just about anywhere, but I recommend keeping it a bit separate from your sleeping space or anywhere with a lot of traffic in your house. If you can surround yourself with books? That’s great. If you can only bring out one book when you’re reading it? That’s also great! There’s no right or wrong way to have a reading nook (though we all dream of the dramatic ride on the library ladder). In the end, a reading nook is about making a comfortable space where you can enjoy a good story and let the outside world stay outside (or more outside, depending on your location).
Do you have a reading nook? What goes into your perfect reading spot?

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