To War Each Day

Today’s story is about a young couple trying to live with particularly troublesome wood sprites. I always love the mix of fantasy and reality that urban fantasy offers. Most of the time, it seems to focus on the ‘Sexy Vampires’ or ‘Drug Dealing Warlock’ aspects of urban fantasy, but I feel like there are more options in even the little aspects of living with the fantastical.

Tea for Two

I’ve been drinking a lot of tea, recently, so here’s a story about ghosts and tea. It’s that kind of week!

A little bit of a shorter story this week, but if you’re jonesing for more, I’d recommend “Found Mysteries” as a great read!

Update for those of you who are asking, physical copies will be available soon! My proof coffee was shipped from the distributor, so I will enable distribution once I make sure there’s nothing terrible (like upside down pages, wrong size, wrong order or anything like that). While I’m hoping for a smooth release, I’m going with the Dungeon Master’s Code: “Prepare for Everything, Expect Nothing.”

Stay Safe, Stay Well!

See What Develops

I’ve been photographing for a while, but I’ve never had the courage to try anything with film. I find that digital is easier to work with and I feel like film photographers have a certain kind of magic that I can’t quite duplicate. I decided this week to combine my love of writing and my love of photography into this piece! It has a bit more of a horror twist than I was initially expecting, but I’m actually quite pleased with how it turned out! Enjoy!

The Lighthouse

This month’s fiction comes from the depths of the ocean. I weirdly love how little we know about the waters that surround us. I always grew up close to the water and, if you look out onto the water, it’s hard not to wonder what lurks deep below. We spend so much time looking above, wouldn’t it be neat to see what’s right below the surface? Enjoy!

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