An Afternoon in the Dark

A while ago, in a writing group, I had someone tell me that they really enjoyed my visual descriptions. They said that they were very clear and they could imagine the setting and characters perfectly. After that workshop, I decided to challenge myself a little and wrote a piece without using visual descriptions. Enjoy!

Mill Creek

For some reason, I felt like writing something rather spooky and creepy. This would likely be a prologue to something longer, or possibly a big flashback reveal with a surprise twist! Either way, Enjoy “Mill Creek”. Some creepy stuff in here, so brace yourself for that. Sorry if you were expecting something a bit more holly-jolly, but my muse was craving creepy.

The Charlatan

I like the idea of someone who pretends to be a complete fraud in order to be taken seriously. The idea of a true wizard being a street magician is interesting to me. The only way that a person isn’t under heavy scrutiny for doing the impossible is to prove that they’re actually a fake is an interesting conundrum when you can actually do it, but can’t explain how. I played with this idea a little bit today with “The Charlatan”. Enjoy!

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