The Gentlemen Thief’s Guild

I always had an idea of a group of polite thieves, always asking permission before robbing someone. From there, the idea of the Gentlemen Theif’s Guild was formed. It bumped around in my head and I finally decided to put something down on paper recently! I might explore more of these characters later but wanted to really get a sense of the Gentlemen Thieves first.

The Thundering Migration: Part 1

I felt like doing a slightly longer piece, so this one is going to be released over the course of a few months. (I also have a busy few months coming up and it’s a little easier if I’m not thinking about what I’m gonna post the whole time.)

I wrote this one as a warmup, but it ended up getting away from me. Please enjoy!

The Thundering Migration- Part 1

Crime and Circuses

Weird fact about me: I know three people who do aerial arts, things like aerial silks or trapeze. One of my other friends has a master’s in clown studies (which is both a thing and something my friend earned). I have this weird fascination that I’ve developed over the years and think it’s a very interesting thing to see. Why not write about it?

For your consideration: Crime and Circuses

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