New Years Words

Hello everyone!

First of all, I’m cautiously optimistic about this year. I spent a quiet night in so we can sneak up slowly on 2021 without scaring it off. As long as we don’t open any more mummy tombs, I think we got a good chance to enjoy this year! I normally like to take this time of the year to consider my goals as a writer and what I’m going to do to meet those goals.

First and foremost, I got the publishing itch again for sure! I learned a lot by self-publishing and hope to use that for all my future projects. It was a good experience and I definitely have that itch to send a book out into the world again. Whether that means another self-published book or something different, I’m still not sure, but I hope to write and create more as the year progresses. I got some stuff I’ve been working on, so I’m excited to keep working with it. I think this was the best possible time to try self-publishing, given the current situation of…everything. I have a ton of ideas and still want to keep shooting for traditional publishing, so I’m going to push for that as well.

I want to write and submit more short stories to magazines and things like that. I enjoy giving out little snippets of my writing for free here, but I’m hoping to grow my audience a bit more this year. As it stands, my current mailing list can be easily reached through my personal Facebook, so I’m planning on trying to increase my followers (or site traffic) a bit more. I have some things in the works on how to pull this off, but it’s going to be a constant goal through out 2021.

2020 was, in short, awful. That being said, I’m glad it’s in the rearview and I can start focusing more on the future. I’m in a better place than I was at the beginning of the year, so I hope to ride that momentum and encourage more creativity. My body has been so focused on survival for the past year that I want to get into a position where I can thrive. What are your 2021 goals?

New Year, New Words

Last year, I started with a simple goal: 365 words a day, every day, for the entire year. The goal was to build up stamina and be consistent in forming writing habits. My goal was to go an entire year Raptor-Free (meaning that I don’t miss any days) and I actually managed to pull it off!

New Years Resolutions are always kind of hit and miss. I’m used to having a strong star followed by a slow decline. However, this resolution went very well! Below are some more elaborate statistics and facts.

Average Words Per Day: 1,092 Words
Best Day: August 20- 5,837 words
Worst Day: January 22- 376 words
Total for the year: 398,443 words

I feel like I learned two main things from the project. Firstly, I learned that consistency is a skill. Having accountability, in the company of other writing groups or personal family, was actually crucial in building my writing stamina.

The second thing is that there’s a difference between “Finding the Time” and “Making the Time” when it comes to writing. Even when I working full-time, I would wake up early to get my writing time in before going to the office. I know myself well enough to know that I wouldn’t want to write after working a full day. Waking up early to write was sometimes the best part of my day.

This year, I’m planning on doing more editing and submitting (gulp!) and I’m attempting to do all three things (Writing, Editing and Submitting) in a slightly more even distribution than just writing nothing but new material. I’m calling it the W.E.S.T. (Writing, Editing, Submitting Tally). I have a lot of raw ‘Novel Fodder’ to work with and I’m looking forward to tackling the new year with new opportunities to put my writing out there! If there are any other writers who want to join me in this (or attempt their own 365 for 365), feel free to let me know!

Thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me for 365 of 365! Stick around for more fiction, more thoughts and a lot more excitement in the coming year!

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