Every so often, I fall into a bit of a funk. Sometimes, it’s depression or anxiety, but sometimes it’s more about things that are happening in my life that are beyond my control. My anxious brain hates losing control, so it often decides to lock up rather than face things I can control. I’ve gotten better at seeing these funks in advance, but they still sneak up on me every so often. When I get stuck, it can be hard to get out. So, for the sake of anyone who gets stuck, here are a few things I do to reset my brain in an attempt to get some control back. (Obviously, I encourage therapy for anyone who thinks they need it and know that these are only quick fixes that help get through the tougher spots)

  1. Go for a Hike:
    This one is probably my favorite and usually my default. There’s nothing like going deep into the woods and shedding the worries of the human world into the boughs of the tall trees. It gets harder when you need to think about the weather, but getting out of the same routine/place can be really invigorating to me.
  2. Bake:
    This one is probably more people’s cup of tea for the rewards built into it! There’s something about the methodicalness of baking that I find very relaxing. You find a recipe, collect the ingredients, mix them together as instructed, and pop them in the oven. Plus, a nice, warm baked good can be good for the soul.
  3. Photography:
    Taking pictures is another one of my passions. There’s something about focusing through the lens of a camera (pun intended, of course) and blocking out the rest of the world. Whether it’s something indoors or nature photography, I find that shifting my creative gears with no expectations can be really good for my brain.
  4. Reading:
    This one can really depend on the funk or the book, to be honest, but it can work really well in the right circumstances. There’s a comfort in a story, particularly one that you know really well. The words are welcoming and kinder. When everything outside is out of control, knowing that things will work out in the right book is a small glimmer of hope that the outside will work out as well.
  5. Meditate to Music:
    This is better when I’m wrestling anxiety because it gives me a chance to work exactly what I’m feeling and how. It’s hard to embrace the feelings without judging them, but taking time to really sit with some music to help focus my thoughts can give me a chance to really zero in on what’s bothering me and what I can do to fix it.

If you find yourself in a funk, what do you like to do? Do you turn to your passions and push through or do you try to enter the things you love without bringing negative emotions into it?

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