Reflections: August

I was thinking about making yesterday’s giveaway announcement my post for the blog, but my completionism nature won out. I decided to take a quick moment just to give everyone an update on what’s going on so far.

The book is doing really well, in my opinion! There were a couple of minor hiccups and things that I might do differently next time (and, believe me, there will be a next time), but I feel like this has given me a massive boost in confidence in my writing. There’s a really big difference between having people read things you post for free and having them pay for something you wrote is a very different experience! I’ve been working on writing more books for the future and I’ve been submitting my work to more agents. The confidence boost has been huge and I am so appreciative of everyone who read my book and wrote reviews. You have made this experience so much more enjoyable and really lit the fire for me to keep working on my writing. So thank you! This would, quite literally, not be possible without you.

I’m in the process of moving (relocating in September), so I’m glad I’ve been able to get things with my book relatively stable in terms of things that are in my control. I’m gonna keep posting about it and appreciate each and every one of you who have helped spread the word. As of right now, I’m only able to get the news out by word of mouth and I’m so grateful you’ve been willing to give me a chance. So, thank you.

I will probably go back to more normal things (if such a thing ever exists again) after my move, but keep an eye out for my writing and other updates. And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Stay safe and stay well!

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