Found Mysteries: In Your Hands!

You read that correctly!

If you follow me on any social media (which you should), I recently announced that my physical book came to my hands for approval! There’s a lot of emotions that came with that (namely shock), but it feels so good to have something physical in my hands! I had to make a few minor revisions that I couldn’t identify until I had a physical copy in my hands, but those issues have been resolved and I can comfortably say that the book is finally ready for you, dear readers!

You can get it online through the expected resources, but I highly recommend asking your local independent bookstore if they can order a copy for you! It’s available through IngramSpark and, if it’s needed, the ISBN is “978-1-7351463-0-0” (but it’s also the only book under my name).

I am so excited for everyone who was waiting for a physical copy to finally get their version, but I wanted to make sure that you were all getting the best possible product I could promise. If you bought a digital copy, don’t worry, none of the stories have changed.

Keep an eye out at the end of the month, as I’m going to be having a contest for the month of August for an opportunity to win a special prize!

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