Creative Combat

Every so often, when the stars align and timezones aren’t an encumbrance, I like to do creative things with other creative people. Whether it’s a battle for word count, a goal setting challenge or just doing something creative with someone to keep you accountable, I have a few friends I know I can count on for Creative Combat! If you want to feel motivated, here’s how you can do your own!

Everyone has their own project and they don’t always line up. Everyone has a project they’re working on: writing, editing, drawing, knitting, whatever! Everyone sets a goal, either as a time goal or something more specific like word count or pages edited. One friend and I like to add stakes to our little combat sessions (nothing serious beyond having to make our loss public on Facebook or Twitter). Then, the work begins. It’s best to set a timeframe, if only to check in with each other at a certain point.

I’m not a normally competitive person. I’m usually a fan of collaboration which makes writing an interesting choice, due to its solitary nature. However, having motivation with another person–even without stakes–is such a huge factor in my productivity sometimes. It can be hard when you’re working alone, so having someone else to work with is important. Accountability can be so hard (it’s half the reason I started working on this blog), but having someone you promised to work with can make that work more valuable. Even if it just means you have someone to consistently work with and share your struggles with, it beats sitting alone at the computer trying to will the words onto the screen.

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