I’ve always been a huge fan of space and space travel. Star Trek is a favorite of mine and I’ve always been curious about how a planet would react to a unified world government, especially the moment it was apparent that we were heading towards one. So here’s a short story about going from the final two world powers to accepting the unity of all nations. Where better to start cooperating than in space?
Category: Short Fiction
The Curse of the Ivory Witch
It’s October and that means it’s time for a good ghost story! I recommend pairing this one with a dark and stormy night, as well as a tense feeling of being watched in the darkness. Enjoy!
Forward Momentum
Hello everyone! I’ve been quarantining here in Connecticut for a little over a week now and been spending equal parts writing and spending time outside. It’s been nice to kind of reset from a very stressful move and take some time to get back on my feet. Hope you enjoy it!
To War Each Day
Today’s story is about a young couple trying to live with particularly troublesome wood sprites. I always love the mix of fantasy and reality that urban fantasy offers. Most of the time, it seems to focus on the ‘Sexy Vampires’ or ‘Drug Dealing Warlock’ aspects of urban fantasy, but I feel like there are more options in even the little aspects of living with the fantastical.
Tea for Two
I’ve been drinking a lot of tea, recently, so here’s a story about ghosts and tea. It’s that kind of week!
A little bit of a shorter story this week, but if you’re jonesing for more, I’d recommend “Found Mysteries” as a great read!
Update for those of you who are asking, physical copies will be available soon! My proof coffee was shipped from the distributor, so I will enable distribution once I make sure there’s nothing terrible (like upside down pages, wrong size, wrong order or anything like that). While I’m hoping for a smooth release, I’m going with the Dungeon Master’s Code: “Prepare for Everything, Expect Nothing.”
Stay Safe, Stay Well!
To Whom It May Concern
Another story that’s come out of my long walks during the quarantine. Some of my best thinking comes when I’m walking and let my brain go where it wants to. Sometimes, that gets to be fun.
This one is formatted a little bit differently, but I honestly couldn’t think of any other way to present this story. Enjoy!
Big Announcement!
I am self-publishing a book!
Since we are all currently in the clutches of a pandemic and staying indoors, I took some time to take a few stories that I had written and self-publish them as a complete set! I worked with my friend Emily Congdon (emilycongdon.com) to design what I think is a gorgeous cover.
The book contains three novellas:
The Death of Venus Harlow:
Venus needs to solve a murder: her own. She turns to Bryce, a local medium who helps ghosts finish their unresolved business. Together, they work through the investigation. While Bryce can’t make any formal arrests, he agrees that he’ll get the police enough evidence to make one. Venus is still learning how to use the full extent of her ghostly abilities and Bryce needs evidence before Venus’s missing person case is filed away as a cold case.
The Star Map:
Arielle sees stars, but not from familiar constellations. The stars become her obsessions. The glow-in-the-dark decorations dominate her ceiling, but she can’t figure out how she knows how to arrange her strange constellations. Her struggles turn to confusion when she sees a customer sketching bits of her star map on napkins at his table, and he introduces her to others with the same knowledge. The question that drives them all on: what might this map of stars lead to?
The Rebirth of Violet Franklin:
Death was only the second most painful thing Violet Franklin had ever experienced. The most painful thing was being brought back from the dead. Her father, a brilliant surgeon driven mad by grief, brings Violet back from the dead. After feeling like a prisoner, Violet escapes from her father’s basement and flees to a friend’s house. The only way that she’ll be able to be truly free is if she can prove she’s legally who she says she is to the court. However, Violet’s fingerprints don’t match any records, her DNA is from a dozen different people and most signs that she is physically Violet have been washed away by her father’s procedure. She needs to convince the court that she is Violet or she’ll never be able to recover from her trauma.
We’re going to release the book early next week pending any major, unforeseen circumstances. Stay tuned with me on Twitter and Facebook for more updates as they arrive!
Never Have I…
There’s always a rare idea that comes along that makes you giggle. Leave it to a writer to turn it into a tragedy.
The Age of Bronze Formicidae
Hello Everyone! Hope you are all doing well. As a special Social Distancing treat, this month’s story is a little longer than usual!
See What Develops
I’ve been photographing for a while, but I’ve never had the courage to try anything with film. I find that digital is easier to work with and I feel like film photographers have a certain kind of magic that I can’t quite duplicate. I decided this week to combine my love of writing and my love of photography into this piece! It has a bit more of a horror twist than I was initially expecting, but I’m actually quite pleased with how it turned out! Enjoy!