Black Lives Matter

I’ve tried writing and rewriting this for most of an hour and can barely make it beyond the first sentence. Everything I say feels like it’s already been said and I don’t feel like I have much authority on the subject. It goes without saying, but Black Lives Matter and it’s our responsibility to act.

I’ll say please consider donating to a Bail Fund in your state if you have the resources. I also highly encourage you to donate and spread the word for the following organizations. With all the donations going around, we need to help as many groups as possible:
Reclaim the Block – Minneapolis community and city council members to move money from the police department into other areas of the city’s budget that truly promote community health and safety
The Okra Fund – NY based community and food for black trans people.
Black Trans Protestor Fund
Black Lives Matter
Black Visions Collective – similar to BLM, but Minneapolis base

I intend to read more books by black authors this month and consume more black media in general. It’s important to hear voices now more than ever, but it’s also important to listen to those experiences. Currently, I’m reading “The Fifth Season” by N.K. Jemisin which I’m thoroughly enjoying. If you’re interested in joining me in reading books by black authors, I would recommend purchasing through the stores in this article:
Support Black Owned Business and Still Keep Social Distance.

Stay Safe. Stay Well.

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