An Intermission

So, a couple of changes will be coming up in the near future. I’ve got some things in the works, so there will be some things changing priority.

This will be the last scheduled “Blog Post” for a while. I feel like I don’t have enough happening with my writing/publishing journey to justify having a super regular post. I get anxious about repeating ideas or reposting old blog posts. This means the first Sunday of the month will no longer be regular posts. When ideas come up, I’ll probably create a blog post, but I’m running out of ideas to keep up with a monthly Non-Fiction post. I’ll continue doing monthly fiction, both as a way to keep the blog active and give myself the motivation to keep writing even when I run out of ideas. I’m hoping that having this be the primary focus of my time outside of work will mean more quality writing to continue providing to you for free.

Secondly, like many other people, I’ll be closing down my Twitter. I no longer use it and it’s frankly not really bringing in a ton of traffic. If you only follow me there, please consider signing up for my newsletter or following my page on Facebook!

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